Thursday, August 8, 2013

Introductions (aka: I'll show you my rash if you show me yours)


My name is Stephanie and I have Henoch Schonlein Purpura. (this is where you say, "Hi, Stephanie!")

Where to start? Well, I've been suffering with HSP consistently for over two years. I believe my first outbreak was back in 2009, though it wasn't identified as such. So possibly my history goes back four years?

Mainly I'm a winter outbreaker.

Winter and Fall used to be my favorite seasons. The soups! The leaves! The snow! The cookies!

Now my winters and falls are less enticing. The rash! The joints! The fatigue! The depression!

Because my last two winters have been sad and painful, this year, well, I'm prepping myself. And this is one reason why I started a blog. I want to log the details of how I am arming myself and also note the results I have. Who knows if my actions will be correlated to my results, but I'm at the point where I will try anything.

Also, I am starting this blog to share my experience with others. So far I haven't found any real support for this disease. My doctors have been great, but they don't know much when it comes to HSP in adults. I'm a pioneer to them and they ask -me- to tell -them- about my triggers, experiences, etc. because they don't have a lot of data on adults.

So, welcome to you. Cheers to our health and happy winters moving forward!

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